All Pizza & American Restaurants near Pike Pine Retail Core & Eastside

MOD Pizza

Fast food pizzeria with made-to-order pizzas and salads.
1302 Sixth Ave
Pike Pine Retail Core

Tribeca Kitchen & Bar

This upscale downtown Italian restaurant offers wood-fired Neapolitan pizza, house-made pasta, and shareable plates as well as cocktails, beer, and wine.
809 Olive Way
Pike Pine Retail Core

Nordstrom Grill

Tucked away behind the men's section suit department in the downtown Nordstrom, this restaurant offers "American classic comfort food with a modern Pacific Nor…
500 Pine St
Pike Pine Retail Core

Daniel's Broiler

This new location of the classic Northwest steakhouse on the second floor of the Hyatt Regency serves its signature USDA prime steaks and seafood to the sounds…
808 Howell Street
Pike Pine Retail Core

Harried & Hungry

H&H has soup, salad, sandwiches, and pizza that you can order online and pick up at their downtown café, or have it delivered. They also cater breakfasts and l…
1415 3rd Ave
Pike Pine Retail Core

Italian Family Pizza

Seattle’s got a lot of fancied-up thin-crust pizza places, and a lot of them are really good. But if you want truly great pizza pie without having to wait an e…
1028 Madison St
Pike Pine Retail Core
910 Stewart St
Pike Pine Retail Core

Serious Pie

Courtesy of Tom Douglas, this cozy, self-described "pizzeria with a bread baker's soul' offers unexpected, well-sourced ingredients like foraged mushrooms, hou…
2001 4th Ave
Pike Pine Retail Core

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