All Chinese, Thai and New American Restaurants near South Delridge, Rainier Valley, Columbia City, Hillman City, Beacon Hill and Mount Baker
Showing locations near 98101

Little Chengdu

This noodle house specializes in Chongqing noodles and other Szechuan-style small plates.
2815 S Hanford St
Rainier Valley
(206) 760-9263
4208 Rainier Ave S
Mount Baker

Rookies Sports Bar and Grill

Chill, family-friendly Rookies (that’s several Rookies, no apostrophe, not the possession of a person named Rookie) in Columbia City has a little of ever…

3820 S Ferdinand St
Rainier Valley

The Spice Room

The Spice Room serves good Thai food in a good-looking setting in Columbia City, with good service, too—people love it, and so will you. Our friend Jill says t…
4909 Rainier Ave S
Rainier Valley

Bua 9 Thai Cuisine

Owned by the previous owner of Lotus Thai in the Central District, this Thai place serves pad kee mao, larb, roti with peanut sauce, and mango sticky rice, amo…
5020 Rainer Ave S
Columbia City

Joy Palace

Some claim that the dim sum at cavernous Joy Palace is the best in Seattle, rivaling Jade Garden; it's at least easier to get a table at weekend brunchtime.
6030 Martin Luther King Jr. Way S
Rainier Valley

Q Bakery

Supercheap, good banh mi and French bread near the Viet Wah on MLK (and the supercheap, good Western Bakery and Dim Sum).
3818 S Graham St
Rainier Valley

Young's Restaurant

Tucked away just off the main strip of White Center's historic business district is Young's Restaurant, one of the area's standout staples. The restaurant is p…
9413 16th Ave SW
South Delridge

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