Recommended Deli/Sandwiches Restaurants near Fremont & South Lake Union

Portage Bay Cafe

A tasty place to go for an all-American, local/organic/sustainable-focused breakfast or brunch, including cage-free eggs from Olympia, hams and sausages made i…
391 Terry Ave N
South Lake Union

The Berliner

Local guy Victor Twu became such a fan of the doner kebab—the Turkish version of a gyro, served on the street in Berlin—that he opened this doner shop in a spa…
428 Westlake Ave N
South Lake Union

Grand Central Baking Company

Grand Central has been making high-quality, yummy bread and baked goods for a long, long time, and comes with a presidential seal of approval: Obama ate a turk…
1616 Eastlake Ave E
South Lake Union

Cafe Turko

Along with their two sons, Gencer and Süreyya Gökeri turned their Fremont-based Turkish import business into a full-blown restaurant, serving enough rainbow hu…
754 N 34th St

Paseo Caribbean Food

Pretty much the only game in town where you can get roast pork done Cuban style, i.e., meat that falls apart to melt in your mouth. It’s a little sweet, but so…
4225 Fremont Ave N

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