All Pub Grub Restaurants with Late-Night Dining near Nob Hill, Pearl District, Old Town-Chinatown, Northwest Portland and Slabtown


While the rest of Old Town slowly adapts to the new commercial landscape, Dante’s holds true to the downtown core’s less than savory roots. With its warm indoo…
350 W Burnside
Old Town-Chinatown

Life of Riley

Life of Riley is something of a neighborhood anomaly, and if you're bored, a fun game is to guess what the patrons' stories are. It's easy to read the pretty w…
300 NW 10th Ave.
Northwest Portland

Yur's Bar & Grill

Yur's is not particularly memorable in that it's a neighborhood dive bar of prototypical designation, but also because one's memory tends to gray out after a c…
717 NW 16th Ave.
Northwest Portland
519 NW 21st Ave.
Northwest Portland
721 NW 21st Ave.
Northwest Portland

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