Camp Canlis

This event is in the past
Every Monday–Saturday, through June 30
Canlis East Queen Anne (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
Seattle's premier fine-dining establishment Canlis is at it again: The adaptable, branding-savvy restaurant has unveiled its plans for Camp Canlis, the latest (and hopefully final) in a line of pandemic-borne concepts that have included a burger drive-thru, a bagel shack, "Canlis Community College," and a winter yurt village. Camp Canlis will feature a treehouse hanging from the restaurant's roof with a single-party table for dine-in with upscale service sponsored by Dom Perignon, a retooled version of their yurt village with a summer-friendly camp theme, a "Canlis Canteen" in their lower parking lot with a barbecue menu by new chef de cuisine Celeste Peralez as well as beer and bourbon cocktails, and camp-inspired care packages with local goods that you can send to a friend you miss. Reservations for the treehouse and yurts will go live at noon on March 15, while reservations for the canteen and care packages, which begin on May 3, will go live on April 14.

Event Location


2576 Aurora Ave N Seattle, WA 98109 Venue website

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