Craft Supply Swap

This event is in the past
Sunday, April 28, 1–4 pm
Monster Ballard (Seattle)
This is an in-person event

The following description comes from the event organizer.

We're bringing back the craft supply swap! This time we're taking over our classroom with your used art & craft supplies. Clear out anything you're no longer using and take a look at the crafty loot that other folks are abandoning. 

Bring your still-useable art and craft supplies to Monster on 4/28 and peruse the tables full of other people's garbage. One person's trash.... you know. TREASURE! 

No $$ is exchanged at the event. You just bring the stuff you want to get rid of - and take away the stuff that other people want to get rid of. Any remaining items will be used for our Monthly Craft Social or donated to Seattle Recreative.

Please leave your furniture at home where it belongs. <---- my friend who has done these in the past says that we need to spell that out very clearly. Don't bring furniture. Not even a little. 

Do you have things to donate but aren't available on 4/28? Contact us and we'll set up a time for you to drop off your loot.

Monster is located in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle, WA. 1716 NW Market Street on the intersection of NW Market and 17th.

Event Location


1716 NW Market Street Seattle, WA 98107 Venue website

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