Darrell Scott with Gary Ogan

This event is in the past
Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 7:30 pm
Triple Door Downtown Seattle (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$32 - $40

The following description comes from the event organizer.

Multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter Darrell Scott mines and cultivates the everyday moment, taking the rote, menial, mundane, and allowing it to be surreal, ever poignant, and candidly honest, lilting, blooming, and resonating. The words he fosters allow us to make sense of the world, what is at stake here, and our place in it. And ultimately, Darrell knows the sole truth of life is that love is all that matters, that we don’t always get it right, but that’s the instinctive and requisite circuitous allure of things, why we forever chase it, and why it is held sacred.


Event Location

Triple Door

216 Union St Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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