Journey of the Wind

Multiple dates between May 3 - May 18, various times
Theatre Off Jackson Chinatown-International District (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$5-$23 and Pay What You Can Nights
All Ages
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The following description comes from the event organizer.

"Journey of the Wind" is an enthralling improvised theatrical marvel, weaving a narrative inspired by a legacy of Japanese studio animated movies and storytelling.

Directed by the talented Belinda Fu and brought to life through a collaboration between Jet City Improv Presents and Pork Filled Productions and in association with Theatre Off Jackson, this show is a mesmerizing dive into a world where the lines between humans, nature, and the mystical blur into a stunning tapestry of storytelling.

At the heart of "Journey of the Wind" is the tale of a courageous young hero, navigating the complexities of coming of age in a realm filled with beauty, magic, and challenges.

This production showcases and celebrates the rich narratives inspired by Asian cultures, brought to life by a diverse multi-ethnic cast that invites audiences of all backgrounds to explore stories that resonate with universal themes of courage, discovery, and the magic that binds us all. 

Don't miss the chance to embark on this improvised journey, where every performance is a fresh exploration of the magic that happens when the human spirit dances with the forces of nature and the mystical.

"Journey of the Wind" is not just a play; it's an invitation to embark on an extraordinary voyage through a land of wonder, where every performance is as unique and fleeting as the wind itself. Audiences are guaranteed to leave with their imaginations ignited, hearts full, and spirits soaring.

Event Location

Theatre Off Jackson

409 Seventh Ave S Seattle, WA 98104 Venue website

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