Math Night: Eugenia Cheng & Amir Alexander

This event is in the past
Wed Sept 11, 2019, 7–11 pm
Town Hall Seattle First Hill (Seattle)
Hear from two eminent authors on math, logic, and their everyday applications.  A logical approach to life isn't just limited to Mr. Spock. In fact, in this anti-intellectual, meme-filled age, it may be a great defense in the face of totalitarianism. Mathematician Eugenia Cheng will read from and discuss The Art of Logic in an Illogical World, which argues that both logical thinking and "alogic" processes—like emotion—both have their role in everyday life. UCLA professor and author Alexander will recount episodes related to European society's obsession with geometry, with applications from landscape design (including the bizarre example of Nicolas Fouquet, a 17th-century official who was arrested for creating a geometrical garden, which was a design reserved for royalty) to politics (Euclidean geometry was used to justify political structures).

Event Location

Town Hall Seattle

1119 Eighth Ave Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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