Natalie Dupille Art Show and Book Release Party: In Spite of Ourselves

This event is in the past
Jan 11–Feb 5, 2020
At one point in In Spite of Ourselves, Seattle cartoonist and illustrator Natalie Dupille's character is struggling to maneuver around roadkill while riding her bike on a busy Oregon highway, watching her partner, Allie, get farther and farther ahead. Through the sweat and struggle, Dupille internally berates herself for not being able to keep up, angry about the bike trip she's on. It all finally explodes out when she catches up with her partner. They hash out the conflict, apologize, and come to an understanding with one another—stronger in both a physical and emotional way, facing the rest of their journey together. It's a slender and intimate glimpse in the dynamics of a relationship, but also on the author's inner reflections on her body, nature, and self. It's a ruminative, funny, and touching read. by Jas Keimig

Event Location

Fantagraphics Bookstore and Gallery

1201 S Vale St Seattle, WA 98108 Venue website

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