Thin Skin

This event is in the past
Every day, through October 10
SIFF Cinema Egyptian Capitol Hill (Seattle)
This is an in-person event

Thin Skin, the newest brainchild of The Stranger's resident filmmaker/philosopher Charles Mudede, is a "music-infused, darkly comedic true story about keeping it together when you’re falling apart." It stars co-writer Ahamefule J. Oluo (a frequent Mudede collaborator and lauded jazz musician and storyteller) as a corporate underling on the heels of a broken marriage who finds solace in late-night sets at a jazz club. Friday's screening will feature a pre-show solo performance from Oluo and a post-show Q&A, so don't miss it.

Event Location

SIFF Cinema Egyptian

805 E Pine Street Seattle, WA 98122 Venue website

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