All Bakery Restaurants, Retail & Hobbies and Restaurants with Curbside Pickup, Takeout, Covered Patio Seating, Heated Patio Seating and Delivery near Arbor Heights, First Hill, Capitol Hill, West Seattle and White Center
Showing locations near 98101

Sugar Bakery & Cafe

Created by Stephanie Crocker (no relation to Betty) and her husband, John McCaig, Sugar Bakery makes cakes, pies, pastries, cookies, coffee, soups, and sammies…
1014 Madison St
First Hill
907 E Pike Street
Capitol Hill

Oddfellows Cafe + Bar

Created by bar maven Linda Derschang (of Linda's, etc.), Oddfellows is a crowd-pleasing Capitol Hill fixture. The space—a giant, high-ceilinged, beautifully be…
1525 10th Ave
Capitol Hill

Hot Cakes Molten Chocolate Cakery

Autumn Martin, former Canlis pastry chef and Theo head chocolatier (and fourth-generation Washingtonian), makes all-organic desserts from carefully sourced, lo…
1650 E Olive Way
Capitol Hill

Boca Argentine Bakery and Pizzeria

This Argentine-inspired bakery and pizzeria spinoff from Boca Restobar and Grill serves Argentinian breakfast pastries, lunch, and dinner and has an early…

426 Broadway E
Capitol Hill

Bakery Nouveau

This beloved bakery is owned by William and Heather Leaman. William was the captain of Seattle’s 2005 World Cup of Baking team, and offers crazy-making artisan…
137 15th Ave E
Capitol Hill

Hello Robin

From Molly Moon Neitzel and Oddfellows Whoopie Pie Bake-Off champion Robin Wehl Martin, Hello Robin is a bakery and ice cream shop featuring cookies, from clas…
522 19th Ave E
Capitol Hill

Macrina Cafe and Bakery

Macrina Bakery has opened their fifth location in the former space of the Tully's on Aloha and 19th. Macrina founder Leslie Mackie says that the new space will…
746 19th Ave E
Capitol Hill

Dough Joy

Plants and plant-based doughnuts, a match made in heaven: The popular vegan and LGBTQ-owned doughnut business Dough Joy, which also operates a brick-and-m…

4310 SW Oregon Street
West Seattle

Salvadorean Bakery & Restaurant

You’ll need to studiously avoid the two heaving pastry cases on either side of you as you order your meal at the counter of this White Center bakery. Focus! Be…
1719 SW Roxbury St
White Center

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