All African/Pan-African/Moroccan Restaurants near Northeast Seattle, University District, Roosevelt, Sand Point, Central District, Eastside, Ravenna, Maple Leaf and Wedgwood
Showing locations near 98101

Dur Dur Cafe

Dur Dur serves some of the best chai in town and, like most Somalian places, a banana with every dish.
2212 E Cherry St
Central District


Meskel stands out among the sea of Ethiopian restaurants with an atmosphere unlike any other—or rather, three atmospheres. In the main restaurant, on the upper…
2605 E Cherry St
Central District

East African Imports and Restaurant

This Ethiopian restaurant inside a cheerful import shop at 23rd and Jackson is run by Berhane Amanuel and Megan Eyre, who grind and blend their own spices (wit…
306 23rd Ave S #104
Central District

Zouave Restaurant

Sharing a name with the French army regiments that served in colonial North Africa, Zouave offers an all-over-the-Mediterranean-map menu, including dishes like…
2615 NE 65th St
Northeast Seattle
(206) 525-7747

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