Recommended Sushi, Pub Grub, Bakery and Vegetarian/Vegan Restaurants with Heated Patio Seating, Livestreaming and Covered Patio Seating near Seattle
Showing locations near 98101

The Pine Box

Headed by Ian Roberts (a founder of Seattle Beer Week and former bar manager at Brouwer’s), the Pine Box enlivens its (gorgeous) mortuary setting with more tha…
1600 Melrose Ave
Capitol Hill

Oddfellows Cafe + Bar

Created by bar maven Linda Derschang (of Linda's, etc.), Oddfellows is a crowd-pleasing Capitol Hill fixture. The space—a giant, high-ceilinged, beautifully be…
1525 10th Ave
Capitol Hill

Rhein Haus

Twentysomethings jostle for position around this prefab German beer hall's sprawling main bar. Inoffensive pick-up lines and mini bottles of Underberg are swif…
912 12th Ave
Central District

Victory Lounge

The Victory is (shockingly) a fine replacement for the longtime beloved dive the Lobo, with strong drinks, live shows (sometimes GLORIOUSLY LOUD), lots of hot …
433 Eastlake Ave E
South Lake Union

Cafe Flora

Cafe Flora was born in 1991 of a utopian dream. It was to be—according to the harmonious views of three Madison Valley friends—the perfect restaurant: communit…
2901 E Madison St
Madison Valley

Pacific Inn Pub

The Pacific Inn Pub is an unpretentious place to drink with cheap beer, a jukebox, and superb fish ’n’ chips. Located in the Stone Way crawlspace between Fremo…
3501 Stone Way N

Brimmer & Heeltap

The name Brimmer & Heeltap refers to a proper pour: When full, it's a “brimmer,” and at the end, only a “heeltap” is left. B&H is where the late, great Le Gour…
425 NW Market St
West Woodland

Ristorante Picolinos

Picolinos invites you "to enjoy and experience authentic Italian food in the warmth and comfort of the restaurant." They also have a lot of Italian wine, a lar…
6415 32nd Ave NW

Loretta's Northwesterner

From the owner of Georgetown’s beloved 9 Lb. Hammer comes this South Park bar that’s comfortable to a degree that could be hazardous to your liver’s health. Dr…
8617 14th Ave S
South Park

Fiddler's Inn

The Fiddler's Inn rocks the bluegrass, blues, and folk, and dishes out pizzas and plenty of microbrews and vintage wines.
9219 35th Ave NE
Northeast Seattle

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