All Mexican & Caribbean Restaurants with Takeout, Delivery and Curbside Pickup near Greater Duwamish

Carnitas Michoacan

The meaty dishes are the main focus at this family-run Beacon Hill taqueria (they also run a carniceria). But for another option, try their Friday chile rellen…
2503 Beacon Ave. S
Greater Duwamish

Tacos Chukis

The popular Capitol Hill taqueria opens a third location in Beacon Hill. Crowd favorites include the mulitas—basically a cheesy taco sandwich—with your choice …
1608 S Roberto Maestas Festival St
Greater Duwamish
(206) 971-1250

Cafetal Quilombo

This family-run Mexican coffee shop slings fresh pastries as well as tamales, tacos, tortas, tostadas, burritos, and more.
4343 15th Ave S
Greater Duwamish

Fonda La Catrina

Fonda la Catrina, and its adjacent fish-focused sister restaurant El Sirenito, are true Georgetown gems. Fonda serves contemporary, slightly fancier versions o…
5905 Airport Way S
Greater Duwamish


A collaboration between two high-profile Seattle entrepreneurs, Marcus Lalario (95 Slide, Alive & Well, Fat’s Chicken and Waffles) and chef Matt Dillon (Sitka …
6118 12th Ave S
Greater Duwamish

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