Recommended Chinese & Japanese Restaurants with Takeout & Delivery near Chinatown-International District, Crown Hill and Ballard
Showing locations near 98101

Maneki Restaurant

In its 100-plus years of existence, Maneki has only had one major interruption to business: when it shut down because the US government sent Japanese Americans…
304 Sixth Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Kau Kau

Offering cheap Chinese food at its finest, Kau Kau’s atmosphere is the perfect balance of interesting/odd decor and unpretentious functionality. The counter up…
656 S King St
Chinatown-International District

Fort St. George

Both the atmosphere—the J-pop and the view of downtown—and the karaage of Fort St. George in the International District are magical. At the end of the restaura…
601 S King St, Suite 202
Chinatown-International District

Jade Garden

Some say Jade Garden makes Seattle’s best dim sum, and they just might be right. It’s big and bright and loud and always crowded—expect to wait on weekends at …
424 Seventh Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Hue Ky Mi Gia

Hue Ky Mi Gia’s fried butter chicken wings have been talked up so much that it’s hard not be skeptical of such praise—the restaurant now has three booths in Ce…
1207 S Jackson St, Suite 101
Chinatown-International District

Moshi Moshi Sushi

Moshi Moshi’s salient feature is the Tree, a two-story-high artificial cherry tree with LED-illuminated blossoms. It would be especially amazing if you were st…
5324 Ballard Ave NW
(206) 971-7424

Arashi Ramen

Ballard’s Arashi Ramen brings even more of the rich, porky broth called tonkotsu to Seattle ramen slurpers. (Arashi’s wildly popular original location is in Tu…
5401 20th Ave NW

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