All Pan-Asian & Japanese Restaurants with Takeout near First Hill & Capitol Hill

Sushi Kanpai

Located near the corner of Eighth and Marion, Sushi Kanpai has reasonably priced sushi that people like quite a bit.
900 Eighth Ave
First Hill

Crepan Crepe World

Your fondest wish has been realized at this Japanese-style crepe place: crepes fused with hot dogs.
1303 Madison St
First Hill

Sushi Maki

Sushi Maki is as tiny as it is good, so plan ahead to (most likely) carry your sushi out instead of eating it there.
1633 Bellevue Ave
Capitol Hill


Chef/owner Tak Kurachi specializes in house-made Sanuki-style udon noodles made with organic wheat flour imported from Japan; you go along a laboratory-style c…
1640 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

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