All Middle Eastern, French, Japanese and Spanish Restaurants with Heated Patio Seating & Covered Patio Seating near Seattle

Tamari Bar

Suika owner Makato Kimoto opened up another izakaya place called Tamari Bar right down the street from Suika last February. The two pubs serve similar fare, bu…
500 E Pine St
Capitol Hill
(206) 979-8800

Marmite Seattle

The latest offering from Bruce Nafalty of Le Gourmand fame, Marmite joins and collaborates with Amandine Bakeshop, his wife Sara’s side of the mini Chophouse R…
1424 11th Ave


Fourteen floors above fellow spinoff restaurant Kai Market sits MBar, the second restaurant for Mamnoon owners Wassef and Racha Haroun. Where Mamnoon offers mo…
400 Fairview Ave N
South Lake Union

Red Cow

Remember Cremant, June, and/or Restaurant Bea? Ethan Stowell now runs Red Cow, his French brasserie, in the (great) Roy McMakin–designed space. The specialty o…
1423 34th Ave
Central District


Bottlehouse is a wine bar and “shoppe” located upstairs from Madrona’s urban winery, Wilridge (which makes special Bottlehouse blends). The motto: “Dwell, Drin…
1416 34th Ave
Central District
Temporarily Closed

Bistro Shirlee

After acquiring several restaurants from Josh Henderson, including Saint Helens, Westward, and Great State Burger, Renee Erickson and business partner Jeremy P…
3600 NE 45th St
Northeast Seattle

Ramen Ramen

This new ramen pop-up from Sam Choy’s Poke to the Max cofounder Max Heigh is operated out of a food truck in the parking lot of the Hawaiian restaurant's Raini…
5300 Rainier Ave S
Hillman City

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