All locations with In-Person Visits & Fireplace near South Lake Union, Greenwood and Phinney Ridge
1010 Valley Street
South Lake Union
(206) 382-2628
901 Fairview Ave North
South Lake Union

Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI)

The MOHAI is a must see for any Seattleite. The museum houses many stories, artifacts, and activities that help attendees connect with the region and its histo…
860 Terry Ave N
South Lake Union

Woodland Park Zoo

The Woodland Park Zoo is an AZA accredited institution that does tons of work in conservation and species preservation, and boasts impressively expansive enclo…
5500 Phinney Ave N
Phinney Ridge
7405 Greenwood Ave N
Phinney Ridge

Couth Buzzard Books Espresso Buono Cafe

This used bookstore is quite the neighborhood hub, hosting a bunch of readings and open mics. There's a tasty cafe, too.
8310 Greenwood Ave N

Seattle ReCreative

The recycled-material shop, an absolute must-visit for thrifty DIYers, also conducts single-day workshops on subjects like art journaling and bookmaking.
8408 Greenwood Ave N

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