All Salads, Latin American and Taiwanese Restaurants near Downtown Seattle

Downtown Seattle

The Organic Coup

The menu at this health-conscious, all-organic chain features sandwiches, salads, and wraps made with organic chicken. In addition, there's also a breakfast me…
701 5th Ave
Downtown Seattle

Tiger Sugar

This wildly popular Taiwanese boba chain specializes in "tiger-striped" brown sugar milk tea beverages.

1422 Second Avenue
Downtown Seattle


Salads! Evergreens makes them with produce that’s sourced “hyperlocally” in the “biggest bowls in town.” They have unfortunately cutesy names—“The Cobbsby Show…
823 3rd Ave, Suite 107
Downtown Seattle

Cafe Hitchcock Express

Chef Brandon McGill has opened Cafe Hitchcock Express downtown in the former space of a Tully's, in the same building as his establishment Cafe Hitchcock. This…
821 2nd Ave
Downtown Seattle

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