All Eastern European/Polish/Russian Restaurants near Phinney Ridge, First Hill, Capitol Hill, Miller Park and Greenwood

George's Sausage and Delicatessen

In a city that’s shy on the flavors of Central Europe, George’s Polish shop delivers on that meaty, smoky feel that every deli should have. While you’re pickin…
907 Madison St
First Hill

Piroshki on Madison

The piroshki—savory pies, filled with things like chicken, cabbage, rice, and mushrooms, as well as potatoes and cheese—here are wonderful. But the borscht—a h…
1219 Madison St
First Hill

PB Kitchen at Polish Home Association

Seattle’s Polish community center comes to life on Friday nights, when a catering company takes over the Capitol Hill kitchen and opens to the public as a rest…
1714 18th Ave
Miller Park

Cook Weaver

After fatefully meeting on Craigslist, owners Zac Reynolds and Nile Klein bridged their culinary talent and experience (Reynolds is the chef and Klein is the m…
806 East Roy Street
Capitol Hill

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