Drive-In Movies at Skyline

This event is in the past
Every day, through January 10, 2021
Skyline Drive-In Theater Taylor Towne (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
Stake your claim on Friday-Wednesday double-feature screenings of classic films at this Shelton theater, established in 1964, by reserving a spot online. If you don't have an FM receiver in your car (sound is broadcast on 89.1 FM), you can borrow one from the snack bar. In response to COVID-19, they're limiting capacity to 150 vehicles per showing and asking that cars park at least 10 feet away from each other.
Schedule: Wonder Woman 1984 & Monster Hunter (Dec 25–27), The Goo Goo Dolls' Christmas concert (Dec 23), more TBD

Event Location

Skyline Drive-In Theater

182 SE Brewer Rd Shelton, WA 98584 Venue website

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