Tacoma Film Festival

This event is in the past
Oct 3–10, 2019
Grand Cinema Tacoma (Seattle)
$11 - $175
Tacoma's offering to the Northwest international film scene, named one of the "Top 50 Film Festivals Worth the Entry Fee" by MovieMaker, includes more than 200 movies, talks by visitors from around the world, a VR studio, workshops, and parties. If you missed offbeat hits like Green Grass and The Death of Dick Long at SIFF 2019, here's your chance to see them. This year, The Stranger's own Charles Mudede will be a juror, and his 2005 film Police Beat (co-directed with Robinson Devor) will be screened October 6. Students get in free to the whole fest!

Event Location

Grand Cinema

606 South Fawcett Ave Tacoma, WA 98402 Venue website

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