All Malaysian, Eastern European/Polish/Russian and Ice Cream Restaurants near Chinatown-International District & Fremont
Showing locations near 98101

Süsu Dessert Cafe

Chefs Muhammad "Fai" Fairoz Rashed and Katie Pohl started this sweets shop as a mobile operation serving Thai-inspired rolled ice cream and opened a dessert ba…

669 S King St
Chinatown-International District

Eastern Cafe

This spacious, high-ceilinged ID spot has coffee, tea, sandwiches, crepes, and gelato, plus beer, wine, and cocktails, too.
510 Maynard Ave S
Chinatown-International District

Fainting Goat Gelato

After the success of their Wallingford location, Fainting Goat owners opened a new location in Fremont. People love its rotating roster of flavors like avocado…
3415 Fremont Ave N #A

Pel Meni Dumpling Tzar

Pel Meni makes Russian dumplings near the statue of Lenin, with two options: beef or potato. Each order comes topped with sour cream and spices, with a slice o…
3516 Fremont Pl

Molly Moon's Ice Cream

Molly Moon’s offers gourmet handmade ice cream, with special flavors rotating seasonally and an unchanging list of “classics,” including Scout mint, salted car…
1622 1/2 N 45th St

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