Kathleen Hanna - Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk

Recommended Don't Miss
Wednesday, May 22, 7:30 pm
Town Hall Seattle First Hill (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$68 - $104
All Ages
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As a longtime student of Riot Grrrl, I've annihilated every piece of literature about the movement that I can get my paws on. Some favorites through my studies have included Sara Marcus's Grrrls to the Front, Carrie Brownstein's Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl, and Marisa Meltzer's Girl Power: The Nineties Revolution in Music. Most of these music memoirs and anthologies include the story of the precocious Evergreen State College student Kathleen Hanna, who propelled the movement with the creation of feminist art space Reko Muse, and later, with the trailblazing feminist punk band Bikini Kill. Now, Hanna is telling her story in her own memoir, Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk. The book chronicles her life of activism, music, friendships, illness, love, and limitless amounts of determination. Hanna will be joined in conversation by a special guest.

by Audrey Vann
Tickets, with the exception of a limited number of Pay What You Can and complimentary tickets, include a copy of Rebel Girl: My Life as a Feminist Punk. Books will be mailed by our bookstore partner to the ticket holder's address.

Event Location

Town Hall Seattle

1119 Eighth Ave Seattle, WA 98101 Venue website

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