Schitt's Chic 2: a Schitt's Creek inspired PRIDE show

This event is in the past
Multiple dates through June 26, 2022, 7–11:45 pm
Rendezvous Belltown (Seattle)
$10 - $35
More from Our Pride Guide

The following description comes from the event organizer.

Calling all smalltown Schitizens, near and far! It's time to check in to the Rosebud Motel! Join us at the Rendezvous for the Schittiest Pride show in town. Featuring drag, burlesque, and more, with performers from Seattle and beyond - there's something for everyone in this smalltown show with the biggest heart!
This time we're bringing you TWO shows: Friday June 24 and Sunday June 26. With some familiar faces, but also some surprises, each show will be a unique experience - so whether you want to kick off or close out your Pride weekend with us (or both!), we've got you covered! Schitt's Chic is a hybrid show which features both live and digital acts, and it will be simulcast LIVE for remote viewing! This show is 21+ in-person, and 18+ online. In-person attendance requires ID and proof of COVID vaccination. Masks must be worn at all times within the venue, except when actively drinking or eating.
Doors at 7:00pm, show at 7:30pm - and stick around after the show, because we'll be playing some music and mingling! Say hello to the performers, grab an extra glass of Zhampagne, and have a good time!

Event Location


2322 Second Ave Seattle, WA 98121 Venue website

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