Tyler Lyle, Jake Etheridge

This event is in the past
Tues Aug 27, 2019, 8 pm
Barboza Capitol Hill (Seattle)
$10 - $12
"A decade in, Tyler Lyle’s music has been featured on dozens of television shows and films (including Roadies and 13 Reason Why). He’s been awarded two national songwriting awards (from The ASCAP Foundation and The Songwriters Hall of Fame) and he’s played for audiences all over the world. From his Brooklyn apartment between 2016-2018, he released 30 episodes of his demo club and podcast as part of a monthly subscription service he called The Secret Lair. It was a collection of audio essays and home made demos. His new album, 'The Floating Years' draws from that body of songs, and is his third full length record. It releases early this summer." (Promo Copy)

Event Location


925 E Pike St Seattle, WA 98122 Venue website

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