Recommended Chinese, Cafe, Dim Sum Restaurants and Bars with Heated Patio Seating, Takeout and Covered Patio Seating near Seattle

Rachel's Ginger Beer

People who love Rachel's Ginger Beer and/or ice cream and/or alcohol (or ALL THREE TOGETHER), commence freaking out: This combo soda fountain/bar is brought to…
1530 Post Alley
Pike Place Market

Cafe Campagne

Cafe Campagne is exceedingly pleasant, with soft yellow lights, blond-wood banquettes, framed vintage prints on the walls, and attentive waitstaff. The menu is…

1600 Post Alley
Pike Place Market

Oddfellows Cafe + Bar

Created by bar maven Linda Derschang (of Linda's, etc.), Oddfellows is a crowd-pleasing Capitol Hill fixture. The space—a giant, high-ceilinged, beautifully be…
1525 10th Ave
Capitol Hill

Ba Bar

You can get yourself fed—with the one of the city’s best bowls of pho, no less—from the morning till the wee hours at this stylish Vietnamese mini-chain, with …
550 12th Ave
Central District

Rachel's Ginger Beer

At the second location featuring Rachel Marshall's wildly popular ginger beer, the original, as well as seasonal flavors, flow from taps in both their pure for…
1610 12th Ave
Capitol Hill

Plenty of Clouds

Couple Lisa Zack and Travis Post have opened a Chinese restaurant called Plenty of Clouds, in the former space of Ethan Stowell's recently closed restaurant An…
1550 15th Ave
Capitol Hill

Harry's Fine Foods

The funky little corner store on Bellevue and Mercer that held down the North Capitol Hill neighborhood for years has been reborn as an airy, chic cafe. Owner …
601 Bellevue Avenue E
Capitol Hill


Jerry Traunfeld of Poppy and the Herbfarm started this restaurant focused on his interpretation of China's fiery Sichuanese cuisine. Now that he's retired, his…
618 Broadway E

The Station

Owner Luis Rodriguez is extra-proud of the mocha Mexicano, made with Ibarra chocolate, at his Beacon Hill cafe. The Station is also the 206’s place to be, empl…
1600 S Roberto Maestas Festival St
Beacon Hill

Empire Espresso

Empire Espresso is a little piece of locally owned awesomeness in Columbia City featuring great coffee (from Seattle Coffee Works), great panini, beer and wine…
3829 S Edmunds St A
Rainier Valley

The Other Coast Cafe

The “other” coast is the East Coast (get it?!). The meats are thin-sliced and tasty, the lettuce etc. is fresh, and the bread is great (baguette-ish but withou…
5315 Ballard Ave NW

The Fat Hen

Seattleite Linnea Gallo and her Italian-born husband, Massimo, run the Fat Hen, in Ballard. The space is small but airy and lovely, with marble-topped cafe tab…
1418 NW 70th St

Ristorante Picolinos

Picolinos invites you "to enjoy and experience authentic Italian food in the warmth and comfort of the restaurant." They also have a lot of Italian wine, a lar…
6415 32nd Ave NW

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