The Master and Margarita

Recommended Don't Miss
This event is in the past
Multiple dates through April 13
12th Avenue Arts Capitol Hill (Seattle)
This is an in-person event
$1 - $60
All Ages
Mikhail Bulgakov's masterpiece, The Master and Margarita, was first published (in a censored form) in 1967, and it's beautifully weird. It's about the devil and his entourage; there's a scene-stealing chain-smoking cat; it's full of pranks and hypocrisy, metaphysical elements, beheaded bureaucrats, haunted theaters, Communism, and Stalinism. It's gothy and fantastical and anti-totalitarian. I mean, what's not to love? Director Mike Lion has adapted the tome for this production, which attempts to preserve its Russian sensibilities but also includes musical numbers, puppetry, physicality, and clowning.  by Lindsay Costello


This event is recommended by The Stranger, our sister site. See more of their picks here!

Event Location

12th Avenue Arts

1620 12th Ave Seattle, WA 98122 Venue website

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